We’re thrilled to unveil our first-ever audio class today – for FREE! During this 42-minute session, called FLYING LEAP: 5 KEY DECISIONS FOR DOING WHAT YOU’RE (FINALLY!) MEANT TO DO, you’ll hear our vulnerable stories and intimate insights about critical choices we made during the creation of Infinite Purpose.

Looking back, we realize those key decisions gave us – and our book – wings to fly. Our hope is that applying these same choices to your work could forever alter your path, too. In this audio class, the key decisions we outline are:

  • Reframe Rejection
  • Defy Gravity
  • Create For One
  • Don’t Panic. Be Present.
  • Celebrate the Sweet Stuff!

So…if you’re feeling called to something more but not sure how to take the leap or you’re excited about your future work but unsure how to get unstuck, be sure to listen to FLYING LEAP here!